UPDATE: Firmware 1.7.xx (Android 1.6) brakes Gstuff. Here are instructions for it.
How to ( on Windows ):
1 - Download and extract this to your computer ( or search market4archos.zip ) ( Mirrors anyone? )
2 - Download these files to your computer
3 - Put Archos 5 to ADB mode ( settings/device storage & USB/USB mode -> ADB )
4 - Connect usb and choose drivers to use and point to drivers folder on files you downloaded on step 2 to your computer ( if it fails, go to device manager - click Archos - Update drivers - Browse computer for driver - Let me pick - Have disk - Browse to drivers you downloaded )
5 - On Windows -> copy folder named system from the step 1 to same folder as you have adb.exe
6 - Run adb.exe on command prompt
7 - Type adb push system /data/test/system [ press enter ] ( cd to the folder you have the adb.exe first.. like "cd downloads" )
8 - reboot your Archos 5
9 - ENJOY!
From now on you can use Android Market, Gmail, Maps and all other Google Android goodies
UPDATE: to get Maps working fully install this version after the hack
UPDATE: seems like you have to have 1.4.08 or 1.4.09 firmware to success
Big thanks to m4rk3t!!
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Archos 5 IT now with Android Market and Gtuff
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Great "Hack"! ;)
Will you be doing a post on exactly what the ramifications are of this change?
It seems like it will make the tablet a lot more useful?
Need to install the latest firmware to work.
I'm on 1.3.08
Anyone with older or newer? Works?
I have 1.3.07 and going to give it a try. By the way JKK has your YouTube stopped working with some YouTube videos on your Archos 5?
Seems not to work with Windows 7. When you point to find USB drivers it won't find them. I will have to use my Viliv S5 with XP.
yep, some youtube videos stopped working with 1.3.08..
.. i installed this hack from windows 7.. worked fine when you choose " let me choose the driver manually"
Anyone else getting Cannot install this hardware even though I point to the driver folder. I thought maybe it was Windows 7 and just tried XP and same thing.
Thanks JKK, will try to redownload driver again. I do choose manually, but nada. :) by the way I downloaded this drivers from the link you have. Maybe I am missing something.
also have the
adb.exe and the system folder.
Same situation for me ! redownloaded and everything !
What Firmware do you have vickam? I have 1.3.07 I didn't want to up date but seems that some YouTube videos still don't work with .07 anyways.
I tested now with 1.4.09 and it works fine too..
.. Looks like you are doing all just like you should.. which OS you have.. I used W7
I tried on Windows 7 and XP with no luck but once I get back home I will update Firmware and see if that's the problem.
I don't understand step 7 'cause when I enter 'adb push system /data/test/system' nothing happens... Please help!!!
Just to add your archos MUST be running the latest firmware version 1.4.* from support.archos.com before this will work. Then everything should go well. Thanks alot great hack :)
I'm stuck at step 7... In the command prompt I cd to the map where adb.exe, I then run adb.exe and insert the command 'adb push system /data/test/system'. Unfortunately nothing happens :-(
Any suggestions?
I am able to install but my Archos keep crashing. Any ideas?
I can't download the second file....any help?
my windows XP os wont install the archos 5 drivers you gave me. please help thanks
put a video review of gstuff please :)
If anyone is using a older Firmware update to 1.4.09 like JKK mention. Once I updated to this Firmware I was able to install using Windows 7.
Only thing Installing the Google Maps; I did rename it to .apk and get a "Parse Error" There is a problem parsing the package. Any ideas?
this is stupid...i tried everything and didnt work plus my driver got damaged..this doesnt work at all....now i have to erase all my files.. this is very dissapointing
Make sure you have the newest firmware, even though some are able to install with older one. I updated my firmware and then was able to install this following JKK instructions. Can you post what you are having trouble with?
By the way got Google Maps to install. I thought you had to rename the zip file to apk, but you actually right click and choose extract files.
I found my problem. I have to pretty much delete all my application that I install manually from the apk files. They cause the Archos to crash. Another anomaly that I observe is that I have to keep performing the accelerometer calibration with the Archos after the install. I finally just turn off the auto rotation for now.
i am unable to get a directory listing at ftp://support.archos.com/ARCHOS%205%20Internet%20Tablet/ADB/
is there an alternative mirror?
Has anyone attempted to install Spotify? Does it work ok?
Spotify works...
Can someone upload the items in step 2 to rapidshare or somesthing??
Having a great problem... my Windows XP doenst recognize the archos in adb mode in the right way. He calls it Archos5 and the drivers do not work -.-. I have the latest update on my archos but still cant install the drivers :(
Worked perfectly!!! Thanks!
@bEE2643 Some have posted that if you have a firewall it doesn't let you download the files. Just disable to download. I just checked and I can still download them just fine.
@Anonymous Great you got it working. This is very nice hack to be able to have Gmail, Calendar, and your contacts all synced or at least you can view and update while using the Archos 5 for those times that you just need to check something.
This Archos 5 IT is starting to look better now that we can access google market. Just been able to access your Gmail, Contacts, Calendar, and GPS which works pretty good. I had tried the 7 day trial against my Nuvii and I was impressed that if you really wanted a all in one device. The Archos 5 can come very close. Now I need to find a way to tether my BlackBerry Storm 2 to it so when I just want to browse or use google maps for navigation and traffic I can do it on the road and not need Wi-Fi.
someone please post a walkthrough please for windows 7 ultimate. ThanksQ
Mirrors is right! I can't download the zip in step one without a Premium account!
I think I may have found a problem with the driver issues on windows 7. When it windows downloads the android_usb.inf file it saves it as .inf.TXT. you need to get rid of the .txt part of it and hopefully all should be well
@Jeremy, I just did mine with JKK's instruction using Windows 7 Ultimate on my Macbook Pro. This is what I did.
1. Downloaded Market file from http://rapidshare.com/files/312721352/market4archos.zip which is what JKK has.
2. Download the USB drivers from above in step 2.
3. Make sure you have the newer firmware on your Archos 5, even though some report they have been able to install with older firmware.Put your Archos in ADB mode; see above.
4. Follow step 4 in JKK's instructions above.
5. I created a folder under C:\ and called it Archos and placed all the drivers I downloaded from step 2; from above, and put the system folder from step 1 download.
6. Type CMD on start and I right clicked CMD and ran as admin.
7. Then type I typed cd c:\Archos which is the folder that contians all the files.
8. Then just type adb push system /data/test/system and reboot your Archos.
9. Then download the Maps see above and save them to your computer.
10. Right click the zip files and extract them then put them on your Archos by connecting to the computer and choose mount. I put them in the downloads folder of the Archos and just went to file manager on the Archos after I disconnected from computer to click the maps and street level
How to "uninstall" the files from the device ? On windows platform.
JKK, Thank you very much.
Finally I got the Market and the Gtuff.
My experience is: don't use IE to download the driver stuff, use other browser.
android_usb.inf would not work with '.txt' and not an '.inf' file.
JKK, please help us iPhone user to tether with A5A and that should be our biggest hope.
Will this create a dual boot between Android or the Archos' native OS, whatever that is? Or will Android become the default OS? I don't have an Archos but I'm tempted to get a 250gb model from Amazon for $200 to do this.
Native OS is Android...the Android marketplace app isn't inclided however since the form factor is unique (hence need for this hack)
Thanks for this great hack. It works perfectly with my Archos 5 internet tablet. (32gb)
@ anonymous, yeah the 2nd file doesn't let me download it, can anyone upload it for me please?
Im running Parallels on my mac & mounting it to Windows. When I go to my Computer, I don't see my Archos. How do I get the files to the Archos?
just a little note about the driver issue everyone is having prior to 1.4.08 the device identifier for adb purposes was incorrect so the windows driver was showing in the windows system as not containing any actual driver data to windows because it had 2 different identifiers, firmware 1.4.08 fixes this which is why it is best to update it that way it will work. Additionally windows will warn its unsigned dont worry about that it doesnt matter it still works.
Tried it on Windows XP and 1.4.08 firmware, though it doesn't work. It just stops were is says... "Daemon started..." and there it just hangs. If I then reboot my Archos 5it it just pops out an error message :( What do I do wrong?
- RasmusJV, Denmark
1)some1 testet the archos 5 it with a dvb-c/t usb stick and dvbviewer, progdvb or mediaportal yet?
2) possible to install navigon, garmin mobile or other navigationsoftware for windows? If yes: tmc working too?
for all mobilephoneuser with w-lan, there are some apps turning your phone into an w-lan-access point.
@isaac thanks that worked.
on second look don't think the driver works with win 7 64 bit..driver started to install but would say not for this platform
After many a try it worked great... LOVING IT!!!! now... someone please fix the Archos9....
how would i do this in ubuntu? Also, can you make a video?
Hey everybody, I would really like to hack my archos, but im not that hot on computers. So i therefore find the instructions very hard to follow. Could someone please find the time to maybe make a video for youtube, on how to do the above. Then even idiots like me, will be able to enjoy the full range of android apps
i ran everything as said and it all apeared to go through however it didnt work. I tried a bunch of things that resulted in it not starting and having to do a restore. How is one sapost to check where the breakdown occured? Is there a spot on the archos that shows the files installed so you may view? I just wanna find out where i went wrong.
Did anybody experience a problem with mounting the Archos as a USB Mass Storage Device after installing all the files needed to make the android market, gtuff, etc. work? Any help with this would be greatly appreciated. Everything installed fine...but when I tried transfering files to my device....my computer would not recognize it. My computer wouldn't even recognize that a device was plugged in.
Couldn't get this working on my Windows 7 x64 or my Vista x64. But I did manage to get everything to work with my Vista x32 bit computer.
Jonathan, have you tried using your Archos as a Mass Storage Device?
Ok, I take it back. When I try to download anything from the Market it stays at Starting download..... I am connected to a fast home WiFi and tested my internet browser for internet connectivity. Any help?
Jonathan, have you tried rebooting it?
Hmmmmm after the second reboot it seems to be working (I can download, install, and run apps from Market). As for the Mass Storage Device message I used ADB like the instructions said, would mass storage work for Windows 7 x64?
I'm not asking if the USB Mass Storage setting works for installation purposes. I'm asking if the USB Mass Storage setting works after you're done installing. Sorry if I wasn't clear.
Oh ok. For USB Mass Storage, running Windows 7 x64 Ultimate, I can use Mass Storage Device for the MicroSD card I have inserted, but the G: (which I assume is the flash memory of the device) tells me I need to format the drive before I can use it. So, to answer your questions yes and no.
The Archos IT no longer mounts as a USB Mass Storage Device after installing and following the procedures. Anybody else experiencing this issue? Any suggestions?
You can mount it as mobile media device too.. (MTP).. works fine here
JKK,you seem to know a little. Can this procedure be performed on our Archos devices.
BTW. Thanks for the procedures. Works great, especially when I skipped the intro and gmail setup and powered off right after..
Pcpal, sorry but no.. we don't have root access and archos don't support ad-hoc
verything seemed to run as it should, but after reboot I do not see the market place on my Archos. Any ideas what could be wrong? I have the latest firmware and installed from XP.
I took the sideload method for installing it when starting the Market application I get the prompt to create or sign in to a google account. When I try to do this it gives me a data services - sim card error how do I bypass this or am I doing something wrong. Still kinda noobie with this Android stuff
I type in step 7 but nothing happens. Do you guys know whats wrong?
how can i log off gmail? My friend logged on and now i cant log off his account
Thanks a lot, great hack, opening countless possibilities. I tried to install driver on my Win 7 64 bit machine first, but it said that system, is incompatible. So, I went to my Acer Aspire One WinXP/Android netbook, booted it up to Win XP and everything worked smoothly. At first, Archos seemed to insist that I need to login to Google, but I couldn't do it before setting up / turning in WiFi. Somehow I managed to exit it and then, after setting up WiFi, logged in to Google.
I installed Google Marketplace hack... it at first insisted on setting up Google Account and APN... then I somehow managed to get out of it. Everything worked for several hours. Then, suddenly, device stopped to respond... showed "Android" loading message and finally switched to initial screens again. "Tap the first cross", etc. Now it insists on signing with Google, adding APN, and not even allows to type. I have no idea how to make it working again.
If it is so buggy, I'd rather return it to RadioSheck
Hmm... started to work again. It seems that one need to skip Google sign in which is offered again and pretend to go through setting up a device again... without any changes. Then, after finishing, it works again. But it's really scary and unstable. Not better really, than a buggy Zii EGG tablet.
BTW, what is going to happen, if Archos releases a new firmware update? Would it remove this hack and all my settings?
When I go through step 2 - there are no files in that location. What should be there?
Hey, what did you use to see step 2 location? Files and folders are there. For example, I see them in Firefox now.
is the ad-hoc issue going to be reolved in a futeure update? i use wireless tether via my hero running modaco's custom and it wont find the wifi teether and BT only works on eclair (2.X), and the issue with rooting is what, its android and open source is it lack of ppl interested, and noone want to put together a rom, id love a custom rom with no bloatware and root acess ad-hoc and all Gtuff loaded, also whats the deal where is a windows 7 driver that works...
still cant get ADB driver for my Win7 box, anybody figurer anything out to get this thing to work with win 7
I reverted to a standard A5A package, because nothing worked after installing a market hack. Applications were crashing, etc. Now device work again, although I insist it is not stable and isn't ready for a consumer market, just for Android fans.
Links for downloading Google Maps and Street View above somehow do not work in Chrome, they do work in Firefox. Google Maps and Street View work even without a Market hack, but you cannot use Latitude or set My Location.
PLEASE can we find a workaround i have 5 computers in this house and all of them are Windows 7 Ultimate, i need a ADB driver as im sure manyothers do, PLEASE, i try manually loading the apks, i got maps to work, market crashes and so does gmail and gtalk basicly gmaps works (without Longitude)
another thing is i installed all the apks at one point and got the google sign inscreen which made m avery happy but when i try to sign in it cant find a network or somthing to that affect and i have full wifi, any ideas cause if i figure that out maybe i can get the apks on manually again only thing im lacking is the .jads in the sys folder or whereever they go..
for all windows 7 use @Jeremy, I just did mine with JKK's instruction using Windows 7 Ultimate on my Macbook Pro. This is what I did.
1. Downloaded Market file from http://rapidshare.com/files/312721352/market4archos.zip which is what JKK has.
2. Download the USB drivers from above in step 2.
3. Make sure you have the newer firmware on your Archos 5, even though some report they have been able to install with older firmware.Put your Archos in ADB mode; see above.
4. Follow step 4 in JKK's instructions above.
5. I created a folder under C:\ and called it Archos and placed all the drivers I downloaded from step 2; from above, and put the system folder from step 1 download.
6. Type CMD on start and I right clicked CMD and ran as admin.
7. Then type I typed cd c:\Archos which is the folder that contians all the files.
8. Then just type adb push system /data/test/system and reboot your Archos.
9. Then download the Maps see above and save them to your computer.
10. Right click the zip files and extract them then put them on your Archos by connecting to the computer and choose mount. I put them in the downloads folder of the Archos and just went to file manager on the Archos after I disconnected from computer to click the maps and street level.
is important to have the folder archos on hd(c)with all downloads.
re.:Anyone else getting Cannot install this hardware even though I point to the driver folder? I thought maybe it was Windows 7 and just tried XP and same thing."
I had the same problem, till I removed the ".txt" from the ".inf" file. In the Drivers folder.
the link to dl the drivers isnt workng for me anymore
Does this still work with Firmware 1.4.16 (Dec 14)?
Or should I stick to 1.4.09?
What about Vista? has anyone had any success? I keep getting the same problems as a few above. Got all the apps for google but only maps and youtube are working. Gmail and Market won't let me sign in...Help!!!
Anybody know how to downgrade to firmware 1.4.08 or 1.4.09 on archos 5A.
Followed all this steps:
1. Downloaded Market file from http://rapidshare.com/files/312721352/market4archos.zip which is what JKK has.
2. Download the USB drivers from above in step 2.
3. Make sure you have the newer firmware on your Archos 5, even though some report they have been able to install with older firmware.Put your Archos in ADB mode; see above.
4. Follow step 4 in JKK's instructions above.
5. I created a folder under C:\ and called it Archos and placed all the drivers I downloaded from step 2; from above, and put the system folder from step 1 download.
6. Type CMD on start and I right clicked CMD and ran as admin.
7. Then type I typed cd c:\Archos which is the folder that contians all the files.
8. Then just type adb push system /data/test/system and reboot your Archos.
but once I type : adb push system /data/test/system
I get ............error: device not found
What AM I doing wrong, Am runing Windows XP should I use Vista.
Drivers page doesn't seem to want to load. Anyone have a copy of the drivers?
many thanks! it worked - however i'm getting the 'unrecognized drive' problem that two other's mentioned above.
i'm connecting to windows via the usb connection mode of (MTP), but it's not recognized as a drive on my mac <- any suggestions?
I want to be able to drag/drop files from my mac (as bluetooth transfer is slow for a movie).
can i / can i not let windows format drive G: (the device letter when it is detected) and still retain my settings? (i'm afraid it'll format the archos clean, with no system files at all...)
Thanks! -Tesh
can you update the firmware further after installing this hack or are you stuck at 1.4.09? cause the system is still kinda glichy and i dont wanna do this just to have it be whipped out when i upgrade the archos firmware
hi.im clearly a bit of a div but could someone try to explain all this in real simple terms.ive downloaded all the stuff im just stuck with everything after that.lol,thanks
Does anyone know how to unistall?
I have firmware 1.4.25 and when I perform step 6, I get what looks like a help output. It seems that adb will no longer run without any parameters.
The version of adb.exe I have is 1.0.20.
I'm not sure if I get getting these unexpected results because I have a later Archos firmware or if my abd.exe is later than this article was written for.
If anybody has any ideas, please could they let me know.
Thanks in advance.
This is great! Thanks. Couldn't get the driver to work on windows vista, but got it to work on windows xp. Also, just make sure when you go to type: adb push system (space here) /data/test/system. I didn't put the space so it didn't do anything a few of the time I tried. This is how I got it to work. Love it.
Nice Work !!!!
Everything is working perfectly. Thanks so much - this Archos5 is actually worth the money now!!!
Works on 1.6.08 in fact google market works fine too (depending on the app itself of course).
Why can't there be a hack that needs no computer
Has anyone tried this with the new firmware? 1.7.33 I'm not having any luck.
Lost marketplace when updating firmware to 1.7.33
& it will not reload! files push fine but not there when I reboot.
I experienced the same thing last night. Please help!
help on the way... uploading video now... posting asap
UPDATE: Firmware 1.7.xx (Android 1.6) brakes Gstuff. Here are instructions for it
And here I thought it was just me. Now the Archos does not show up in Windows when selecting debug mode (ADB). I had to install EXT3 drivers for Windows just to be able to see it.
Very nice JKK, I used the new instuctions and it works like a charm. I guess my question is will we need to reinstall apps every time they do a fw update
How true is the paragraphh below (from http://www.electronista.com/articles/10/01/21/archos.5.gets.long.awaited.android.update/ )
Early reports are not positive, however, as the Archos 5 with the new firmware is powering off on its own, doesn't find Wi-Fi networks and doesn't update its clock from the web. It furthermore fails to download e-mail and enters the power saving mode at improper times.
Richard, mine is not doing those things...
Your milage may wary depending if you did clean installed and/or depending apps you use..
Can I use this in the Archos 5 that comes without Android? I have it cracked already using the Guy Fawkes hack but I don't know what to do after it.
ADB doesn't seem to work with windows7 64, I can't get the driver working, the device doesn't even show up in Eclipse this is pissing me off, not being able to get the google stuff is one thing but I can't even develop apps !!
If anyone is having issues with not being able to install drivers (win7) for Archos device, try making sure that abdroid_usb.inf is named correctly........when downloading, windows may incorrectly name it as "android_usb.inf.txt" with a wrong extension. In that case you want to rename the file to android_usb.inf without ".txt" Verify this under command window and navigate to folder of drivers. Or make sure windows file manager has options to see full name and extensions.
21 files pushed. 1 files skipped
It's done??
I tried multiple time to do this. Command prompt stated ADB was initiated. I saw where all 21 files were pushed. Restarted my device and .....Nothing :(
I went to file crop.com, downloaded the market4archos.apk, transferred it to my Archos. Under file manager on the unit, I opened the SD Card, double tapped on the file, then restarted my device. I was taken through a "google android-like" set up and....Voila!
Is it possible to get Marketplace Paid Apps on Archos 5, with firmware 1.7.95
my laptop won't recognize the ADB usb mode
I cant get market to work cause its looking for a mobile net work when i have the 5it and it doesnt have it this needs to be fixed
will this work with firm ware 1.7.99
works on 1.7.99
only need to download
and install from device as mentioned here
I can't install on my archos 5, I've the last firmware 2.0.12 and Android 1.6. Everything goes right, but after the reset I can't find any diference, I can't find any google aplication or the google market. Anyone can help me.
Installation works .. but nothing change on firmware 2.0.15 .. and Market doesn't work anymore. Any news?
..here the final solution:
For people who.were asking you can use the archos for mass storage if you go to settings, about device, repair and formating, mass storage type (or somthing to that effect), and then change it to fat32. The only problem with this is that it will format ur HD.
I just got my archos today, and Im running xp. I REALLY need help, cause I cant find the drivers or anything, I have all the files, but Im blocked at updateing cause windows wont lemme do anything
works on 2.0.28 to!!
Steps are simple and easy just be very careful to follow each step carefully. Good thing there are people who would spend time in sharing their knowledge.
I need help...
I have windows xp and when I put my archos on ADB nothing happens it just beeps twice.
I also cant find the divice manager u talked about.
please help me email me at elazteka51@live.com
Awesome! Will it run with Windows Xp? My fear is that, the application may not be recognized by the system then I would have to reboot. Anyone who have actually tried this? Thanks!
Hey there, thanks for the article! I have the Archos 32 Internet Tablet, firmware 1.0.41(Android 2.1-update1). GNU/Linux lsusb ID 0e79:1411 Archos, Inc.
Can this be installed via GNU/Linux on my device?Here's my sudo adb devices
List of devices attached
A32-79EE0001-9FF00000-015A5BD9-0702801D device
I tried using the commands that you noted, it says it pushes a bunch of *.apk, then I reboot and I still don't see the market.
Shannon VanWagner
Also, tether your Droid to GNU/Linux via tinyurl.com/thetherdroid
I wonder whether either android or apple will have any impact on the european and asian markets. Considering the rather lukewarm reception of the iPhone in the UK and Germany, this might just not be depending on the SDK, but more on the amount of handsets that will have the OS on it.
It works with other android pads?
I have the 160GB version with 2.0.38 version of the Android 1.6. I trried the connect via USB and push way and all I got was some links from the /system/app/ and /system/framework folder that pointed nowhere as it seems no one on earth has access to write into or read from my /data partition.
Then I tried the other method where you just get the entire apk into the device and run it. The installation seemed like a half a successs and I all but gave up, until I watched the video at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ef_ODQplFbU by Charbax explaining that you have to then reboot. Once I did that, everything came up.
But trying to run the apps kept asking to register the google account which is ok, buy the process considers the device as a phone and is not willing to use the wifi connection - the only thing I have. It would complain that my sim card is not configured to give access to the web and so forth.
Anyway, after another almost giving up, I thought I'd try the usb network option that is available under settings -> Device storage & USB Connection -> USB connection mode and connect through a web present PC. Viola! registration worked and the connection continued to work with WIFI after disconnecting the USB and taking the USB network option off.
i could not get the driver software to properly install because the device manager claims the driver is not intended for this program. I then checked the driver information under device manager to find the driver had installed. Then when i go to step 7 it claims the device cannot be found. Help!
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