Updated with hands-on video
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" ARCHOS 9 incorporates the new Intel® ATOM™ Z515 processor, an 80 GB1 hard disk, Bluetooth to tether wireless accessories, and 2 antennas to receive DVBT TV with diversity reception.
And what's more, the ARCHOS 9 is running Microsoft® Windows 7, the latest version of the most commonly used operating system in the world. "
Video from TechVideoBlog.com
Via UMPCPortal
Archos9 homepage
with archos past history stay away
hope to see it in your hands for testing, i like the first sight of that device, will be very good for my needs.
Anyone that buys ANYTHING from this lemon of a company, gets what they deserve. The first group of people that buy this, will be suckered into being their BETA testers and will have to deal with glitch after glitch and crash after crash. Once they get it SOMEWHAT stable, but still relatively quirky, Charbax will try to convince everyone it is running on all cylinders. Those who then purchase it, will find out 4 days later that the next line of crap is being shoved out the door, making your purchase behind the times already. Those who buy the next generation of crap they shovel, will just help begin the cycle all over. Will this company go out of business already?
software has always been the archos problem, not hardware...
Will be interesting to see how they go about a Windows based device...
exactly, its not running Archos OS so it should be fine. quality Archos hardware with Quality MS OS (W7) should make for a positive experience.
still too big though.
I would not mind a smaller version of this.
Something idea for browsing whilst on the sofa or in bed
wow! this mini PC was wow! woooooooot!
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