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Seller says it's perfect fit...
Should work on 901 too, and we will see that soon as he said he is sending me one to test...
Fido at eBay
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Asus Eee PC 900 touch kit now available
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well, i've ordered one :P
i'm just about to order on too.i have sent an email to Fido and he replied this is a solder-on kit and that he doesn't have a usb hub for the eee 900 yet(he said i should wait some weeks for the solderless kit).
Before i buy it,i would like to ask the expert:
Jkk, could you give us some instruction on how to solder it properly?
Any instruction would be much appreciated.Thank you,
it might be a perfect fit but its not solderless right
Solderless or not....
This is where my electronics degree comes in handy;)
LOL, i don't think we need to have an electronic degree to solder 4 cables.
In any case if you pass from Italy i will definitely trust you than my own hands having the job done! :)
I'm getting my 901 in the mail today. This sounds like a good thing to add ,but I hope it's not like the hp tx1000's touch screen. It was very inaccurate even after calibration.
Are solder points next to anything important? I don't want to risk breaking my new computer.
I will do a step by step video when I have the panel...
Any info on an MSI Wind touch panel ?
Can't wait to see the touch screen for the 901. have been deciding whether to get the 900, 901 or Wind.
what port is used in that pic? (where D-/+ are connected)
He is using wifi card slots usb pins ( they are not used by the wifi card )
Am really, REALLY looking forwards to getting the Linux 901 now (not that I wasn't anyway) (in UK)
Would also like to see the WWAN (7.2 Mbps HSDPA) module come in at an affordable price (considering the ECS and Dell will have it built in)
4 point solder doesnt seem too bad. Does this void the warranty? Also how much power does it draw?
I own a XP Tablet PC Edition.Could the touch screen be enough good for
writing on Windows Journal or draw on Paint.net for exemple. What about your own EEE 900 with touch screenn JKK ? And too about battery drain.
Thanks s lot !
Karl (Paris)
Would the Linux driver work in Ubuntu 8.04 as well?
warning, soldering WILL void the warranty
Hi, I used to have the original Asus EEE with 20GB HD, 2 gigs of RAM on WinXP SP3. I bought the upgraded original EEE from Ebay.
I'm thinking about buying a bigger Asus EEE and I was wondering if you can make same upgrades to Asus EEE 900 just like the original EEE.
I've orderd one (to Germany). Lets see how good it is. That's what I' was realy looking for :)
I have sleepness night atm *smile* I have seen the Video here from Jkk and since that it's a must have :) The EEE 900 has a perfect size, and the touchpanel (and i will add also a BT-Module and a 3g Stick then) will make the whole EEE 900 perfect. :)
Also thans for you very good side JKK and help in the forums :)
Just bought one, I don't even have an EEEPC ;). Scared that it got sold out ;). Hope it works on a 901, JKK, keep up the good work, when do you expect your kit?
JKK, great work. You inspire me to mod my 901. Question: do you remove the anti glare film before touchscreen install? Does the touch panel usually have its own anti glare? Thanks for the help.
I have a 900 and am extremely interested in adding a touchscreen. However do you lose any other functionality with this screen? Do you lose the use of a USB port or the web cam?
Jkk, do you think there will be a touch screen for the 1000H?
My touch panel is at customs now...
.. soon here!
Nice!! :D, you're going to build it in your 901?
and i will record the full process on video.
Nice indeed!
R u up to do this for the 1000,1000H?
Do u have this machine?
I think the screen is 10.2" widescreen.
Can we find this one?
I have ordered one too!
Jkk when you make the videoguide for your eee 901 please don't forget to mention if there are any different procedures we have to follow in case we want to solder it on the eee 900.
Thanx a lot,
I'm waiting for the 901 video too. I just got my 901 today and want to see if this is ok or if I need to wait for the solderless version.
Will be looking forward to the 1000/H, if there is one touch screen of that size and if you have that laptop to do it on.
Hi. I have my eee pc 900 for a month now and i'm just waiting for Fido to have an 8.9 solderless touch screen panel kit. My question is... can i do it by myself even though i'm not a computer technician? It will be my pride and joy to do it by myself with your help of course. thanks so much.
it's a bit easier on 900 so check this how-to and decide:
The photos above take the 5V from USB that's ON when then EeePC is off. Wouldn't it drain the battery?
What else can you think is a better place to get 5V?
Also, there are usb hubs out, isn't it a better choice to wait for a USB hub and install touch screen on it with bluetooth dongle. Then may be extend the wiring to the back compartment and fit zif to usb adapter for installing 1.8" hard disk?
How can I buy it?
from Norway
Buy from that "Fido at eBay" link
I have an Aspire One 150, running Win XP.
Can I make it touchscreen too with that KIT from Fido?
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