HDD on Eee 900 didn't sound that good first, but...
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HDD fits ontop of the adapter and RAM module
Close up from FCC pics
Fitting CF adaptor to my 900.. looks very possible..
Now that I know how Asus is doing it, it sounds actually better.
They are using a PCI-E to ZIF adapter for the HDD. This means that it would be really easy to upgrade it with 1.8 inch SSD or CF adapter.. both good choices for speed and durability.
Even more, this kind of adapter could be used on the "original" Eee PC 900 too..
Should I do it?.. Should I make the adapter available?..
Thanks Pika214 from Mobile01 forum
Monday, July 21, 2008
Asus Eee PC 30G reveals some possibilities
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Where can I get one of these adapters?
no where..
.. that's why I asked should I do them.
fair enough, I would buy one.
So the HD sits ontop (underneath) of the SSD and RAM, is the case large enough to accomodate this?
How does heat generation fit into the story?
Will your adaptor fit the 20G Linux eee900?
Nice idea, sorry about the questions
Any idea if this 900 would make it's way to the US and how much? My 901 should be here today, but I've always liked the 900's look over the 901. The battery life was a factor in getting the 901 tho.
I would buy one too ... :-)
sure me too
Yes, I want one !
you said: "They are using a PCI-E to ZIF adapter for the HDD." Does it also mean it´s possible to use this adapter with the second mPCIe-Port (which socket is´nt there) on the MB of the 701?
Thanks for answering. I´m realy waiting on something that´s as fast as the onboard-SSD.
i would order 2 of them if you made them
I hope that they will add 2,5" SATA place on the next models. Because it would be nice to use OCZs SSD drives or something like that. Acer Aspire has 2,5" place too so why Asus can't to do same thing. Those laptops are almost same size and I think that in Asus EEE is enough space to make 2,5" place. My favourite of all minilaptops is Asus EEE 901 but I hate that slow 8Gb/16Gb PCI-E SSD. 32Gb OCZs SSD drive would be nice and fast and costs "only" 145€ in germany and it's good and it can become cheaper on end of this year. Sorry about my bad english.
Looks like soon asuseee will get cheaper. :)
Oh, I forgot say what I meant. :)
This - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834220370 .
yep, but you can use it only for one day per customer:
"Up to 7.5 hour battery life allows for "One Day Computing"(limit 1 per customer) "
Neeed on the adaptor :)
Pls sell them , I would buy oen for sure :), if there is a usb port on it also, it would be the best upgrade ever (byside the touchscreen) :)
FYI, ASUS start shipping non ZIF version of EEEPC 901 on Linux version but same form factor of 900 30GB version. Few people reported (at least in Asia) the new black linux version of 901 doesn't have ZIF connector. Strangely, those XP version still comes with ZIF connector.
Yeah please make this adapter Id buy 3 of them!!! Really this and the touchscreen and the eee pc 900 is perfect!!
how do they keep track of all the models they release.....
Maybe interesting: I have two 901 now. MoBo release 12 and 24 both have ZIF connectors.
Both XP versions. No clue, which version is in the Linux 901 yet.
I'd buy one ...
If the price is ok, I'd buy one too. It would be nice too, to get blueprints if you don't have the capacity to craft them in such big amounts !
People is now finding a way to identify the these model no. for ZIF connector. So far, model EEEPC901-BK011 does not embedded with ZIF while EEEPC901-BK002 and all XPs version of 901 still comes with ZIF. For the non ZIF version, not sure if the primary SSD still detachable...
I'm sure the mini PCIe to ZIF or CF adapter will provide a excellent upgrade option for all EEEPC users including 7xx, 9xx
It will be just perfect if 901 into these configration ZIF (16GB CF or 80 HD as primary OS HD), 3G Card on primary SSD location and a touch screen by making use of internal non soldering option. It is all possible I believe.
Oh... Samsung does have 80GB 5mm 4200rpm 1.8" HD!
I wish Asus would stop doing that. If I decide on a 901, it'd be because of the promise of putting an HD in it. I'd hate to buy one and find no connector!
I have just preordered a Linux 901 with model number EEEPC901-BK006. Does anyone know if this model has the zif connector. If it does not, I will be canceling/returning the order.
Forgive the noob question, but I take it that the ZIF connector (such as in the Black XP 12G version) is the prefereed choice as you can mod other storage options via ZIF?
Asus are _really_ beginning to irritate me with all these specification changes and multiple pointless models. No Zif connector?! argh
I DEFINITELY want one...Pleeeeseeee
Ronbo eeepcnews.de
I have the thought to buy an EEEPC 900 the 12GB version with windows, as i am Working as IT Specialist i would be interested in that adapter too!
JKK love your site, it helped me out with many infos!!!!
Would love to see that adapter around soon
Please could me say gift to buy the adapter PCI-Express to Zif. Thank you.
haha.. i would buy one of your adapters.. then put it inside my eee 901 for 2 1.8" hdd (i'd fit it in somehow)
Hi jkk! Can we do something similar on the 901?
i just wrote to you but i don't give up! Eeepc is perfect for me...i can add touch screen anda big hdd if i want...but...but...
i cannot live with a 4gb ssd! I'd want something bigger, also faster if it is possible.
1) Can i found another 4gb ssd faster on another netbook? or buy a SLC best quality ssd? it has to exist!
2) A 32 gb corsair usb flash is not so big, and it is faster.Can't we build a connector or a solder to use this like primary hs? or a compact flash? I'm notyet expert in micorelectronics and modding but i want to study about it...
3) if on 901 4gb sdd is not soldered can we found a extension for the connector, and place a memory in another space of netbook?
4)in italy and other countries 901 will be sold with wireless n but not wimax.
Can we upgrade easily also this?
i don't want to take you too much time, last thing, the 5.
A retroilluminated pc is so difficult to build? also with optical fiber? :)
thank you for your answering, good job!
I have original EeePC 900 12GB XP version..
So what you mean is that we can add extra storage in it using your pci-e to zif adapter??
I thought you said EeePC 900 doesn't have enough space in the back compartment during 901 upgrade.. Also, sorry for my ignorance on this but how do I check if I have the version that can use your adapter?
Also, how are you intending to sell it? What would be a good price?
of course i want one. i would like at least two if not more.
I would like one if my 901 linux that i ordered dont have a zif socket.
I would love a converter for the original 900. The only thing I am leery about is the non replaceable 4GB SSD. And while the 16GB can be removed, who makes miniPCIe SSDs anyway?
A way to use a standard size HDD/SSD would be awesome, as I could use one to replace the 4GB SSD if it died. Please make such an adapter available!
Hi i just got my EEE 901 20GB and thank god it has the ZIF socket.
i have the eee900 16gb model, and if it would help me get a faster disk, i would buy one.. =)
So If I want to install a 1.8" disk in my 901 without the ZIF-connector I do need one of these adapters? Then, yes, Im very interested. :)
So what this article is saying is that the original EEE 900 may fit a CF adapter, but there is still no room for a 1.8" HDD?
Is it possible to reach the cable header on the original 900 without modification to the case or voiding the warranty?
I think you still need to modify the case if 1.8" HDD needs to be installed. What I've seen from above photos, the back compartment is almost the same as original 900 version with the exception of a plastic partition between the second SSD and the install ram. I guess one needs to cut it down. I am not sure if that voids the warranty though.
The other way of getting the 1.8" HHD installed is to get an internal USB hub from ebay (similar to http://cgi.ebay.com/Solderless-4-Port-USB-Hub-Eee-PC-EeePC-Mod-More-Essent_W0QQitemZ180267966916QQihZ008QQcategoryZ67869QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem), get a USB to Zif converter (from an item like http://cgi.ebay.com.au/USB-1-8-Hard-Disk-Drive-ZIF-Case-for-Hitachi-Toshiba_W0QQitemZ350082855152QQihZ022QQcategoryZ130860QQrdZ1QQssPageNameZWD10VQQcmdZViewItemQQ_trksidZp1638Q2em127)
and install 1.8" HDD either inside or with an extension to the back compartment of EeePC.
I am not sure how fast that hub would be though as compare to the direct PCIE connection on the motherboard.
Hi any updates on the adapter ?
did you deside to make them ?
understand your busy thou but still wonder,
will they come ?
Just wanted to let you know, that such an adapter sounds very interesting. I would probably buy one - depending on the price of course.
I would by an Adapter for my 900 as well.
Would love to add some serious storage space to the Eee PC900. 16GB just wont hack it in the long run.
You should bundle an adapther toghter with an cable as well.
Seems something similar available but quite expensive at http://www.asusparts.eu/index.php?cPath=1880_1881_1931_1948
This is a spare part for 30G model.. I spoke with the customer representative and he mentioned it was a module and no soldering required.. Although there are no photos on the site plus the part will be available in 2 weeks time..
Yeah the price was 0 Euros for a while. The real price is up. I wasn't going to mention it though as I figured everyone would order from them and there wouldn't be any for me ;)
I will buy 2, hope it comes with the cables.
cable is separate.
Too bad about the hole in the bottom of the 20, 12 and 16 being smaller though. No way to cram in a HD without extensive cutting and mods.
Still, this would be useful for a zif to CF board or something. Also, maybe one could order a 900 3g bottom panel. Is the color the same? Is the position of everything close enough to the same that it would work?
You are right Mamiya.. A lot of ppl are discussing the fact that they can order the bottom case from the same site I mentioned above..
The cheaper option will be to get a USB to zif soldered and use the zif drive..
Please for god`s sake make it available :D Every 2nd EeePC 90x-user would buy this...
First protos are ready next week, so i should have solid schedule for it then..
.. for the pcie/zif adapter
Thanks JKK. You are the champ..
Plz keep us posted..
Do you have any photos from the pcie/zif adapter?
We get 901 (only 12GB/XP) very soon in our country. I like the 901 very much but one thing is very bad: 12GB only
Thanks a lot!
JKK please let me know of the protos.. I have EeePC900 12GB XP.. This adapter is more important for me than the touch screen..
this is very exciting! i'm not "technical person". but im trying to understand...JKK...does this mean I can remove the seconf SSD card from my 901 (16gb) plug your cable in and attach a 1.8 inch harddrive (maybe from my Apple IPOD) ???
is it this easy?? I was VERY disappointed to see not a ZIF connector in my new 901 machien!! :( so i would REALLY love this adaptor if it is true. please answer...as i am excited for this one!
Yes u r right.. U should be able to plug in the zif adapter in ur mini-pcie port from the SSD card..
This is a very interesting possibility - add this adapter - then a ZIF to CF card, and then any CF we like! Only thing I am thinking is - will the Phison chip on the 900 limit the type of CF card we can use or will the adapter handle all that?
Please make this adapter available, together with this: http://www.mtron.net/English/Product/ProductDetail.asp?itemcode=MSD-PATA3018, it would make my eee 900 usable again.
When do you think you will look at producing the ZIF adapter ? I know loads of people want one!
I just bought 1000H as I could no longer wait. Anyways, its much better than 900 performance wise. I'm quite impressed.
So, I can´t use the pci-e to zif connector which asus offers for the 900 on www.asusparts.eu/product_info.php?cPath=1880_1881_1933_1950&products_id=1520
You should be able to use this adapter. Your second SSD comes out and you can plug this in (theoretically)..
in theory yes, but in real life nope... there is no enaugh room for both HDD and that adapter..
I can hopefully show you the adapter that works with it next week...
Hello JKK,
how is it with theese adaptors? I would bui one... :-)
Please, any news on this adapter?
JKK, the world is waiting for you.
Any news,
My 900 is with the single 16GB SDD and its horrible slow.
Either find a way to speed it up or get a 1000HD, what would be the cheapest ?
Get 1000H. Its way quicker, have longer battery time and more hard disk space.
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