Is it better than the first one? Check my video to find out.
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Vista only.... but now works on any hardware.
Thanks GottaBeMobile
Download Origami Experience 2.0
Is it better than the first one? Check my video to find out.
Click to see the video
Call me when it works on XP...
I cant see any reason to slow down my P1610 with Vista (even for Origami).
Anyway, good vid. Keep them coming
look for the installer hack in umpcportal. they have a step by step process which will enable you to install this on your machine running xp
That hack is for non origami vista umpc... for the old origami experience.
This will not work on XP.
What happened to the video?
Yes, the picture password is a nice option to have, but I don't find it adds real security. In my experience, when you are requiered to have a secure complex password, you may choose only one item on the picture for login:
Have you tried to install it on a device with only a digitizer screen? It installs fine on a P1620 mini Tablet PC, but that one has a touch screen.
... I tested it on my desktop too, so it will work on any Vista computer.
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