Here we go. Asus Eee PC 900 with a happy new owner..
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So all details we reported from CeBIT got confirmed..
8.9 inch 1024 x 600 screen
Intel Celeron 900Mhz
1.3 mega pixel webcam
big multitouch trackpad
12v charger brick
Same keyboard and battery as in 701/ Eee PC 4G models.
And still under kilo, as it weights only 990g.
If you have not seen the video of it, watch it now!
UPDATE: even more info just in
Thanks Lazyfai [ translated ]
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Asus Eee PC 900 unboxed
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If they launch it soon enough (=before Dell joins the game) this will definately be mine.
JKK can you tell me if i will be able to install xp on the eeepc 900 20gb linux model and still have the laptop work properly (camera, touchpad mouse)?? thank you.
If I could buy one with Linux here in Portugal, I would do it right now.
But since I'm wating for any Eee or similar since last xmas, I think I'll get the first linux umpc I can get here.
Yes, you could install XP very easily..
There are instructions on the manual and drivers on the CD
does it have a touch screen like rumored?
No touch screen on this version.
Asus said there may be a touch version... nothing solid or confirmed other than they have been testing touch.
Nice! Now we're talking. I'll bite on this one. It beats HP's Mini-Note to me. Is there any price confirmation?
Can anyone confirm that the 900 has built-in BlueTooth?
Where di you bought it?
Nice one JKK, is there a video of the unboxing? For some reason I love watching them.
Can't wait for your video review.
Great news JKK! Thanks for posting!
How does multitouch work? Does it work well with whatever it does?
jkk did not buy anything. Those pics are copied from a chinese site how hard is it to see the watermark. Stop asking jkk questions he doest not know more that anybody else on the subject.
And btw nobody knows for sjre what the cpu is. There is a chance it is celeron 900 bjut thats just a guess jkk takes nothing more. My honest guess it will be a core2 low vlotage
multitouch would be like the iPhone. it would support two finger gestures like "pinching" and "spreading"nrajtdip
I am happy and sad....the previous pictures had a bluetooth inside, and rumors said about a touchscreen in this version.
if they do make a touch model, then the critics will have something more to complain about. man, some of the reviews ive read dissed off every little thing.
Rumors, saddly rumors. With or without the touchscreen, if the price stays 400 euros for this model it's still a good buy for the size of this thing. The competition will come, add ons and new features will be installed (perhaps a rotating screen in an 910? 1100? model??? i don't know) i want too much, i ask too much. The technology is here, the price is low due to low proccesing power, and old electronics, they can build the perfect non gaming every day second pc.
I've been waiting for this since last fall! I can't stand using this desktop anymore. Mobility - brought to you by a cheap penguin... for the ultimate tux system, it needs to be black with a white keyboard.
y nice - i want one !
I can't wait until I am bale to unbox my Eee PC 900!
Yep, the links are broken.
some clarifications:
I didn't do the unboxing, it was Lazyfai.
On my cebit video, I use Eee PC 900 with my own 701 5200mAH battery, so they work fine.
As you can see from the unboxing pix, 900 uses the same 5200mAh/7.4V batteries.
There is no proof if 900 works with the smaller charger from 701.. it might or then not, but it has nothing to do with the batteries, just the charging circuit.
Eee PC 900 has Celeron 900Mhz cpu just like on 701. This information is from Asus.
SSD is on the second pcie slot, so you could remove/swap it to bigger, if there was any.
Asus said 900 uses 1watt more power due bigger screen... so 9 to 14 depending what you are doing.
I will be getting one soon, so then we will all know more...
did i forget something?
edit: links ok now
jkk, where will you get one from? personal contacts or regular distributor. could you post the link I am sure many people like myself will want to be among the first ones to place an order and not wait for the authorized USA/Canada in my case dealers and waste a few more weeks.
Any word on whether it will have bluetooth built in like some early specs said?
Sorry, no bluetooth..
I got mine here in the U S on ebay last week... Have wanted one since the launch of the eee700 but no where in the mid west could I find one.. got the new eee900.. cost me $680 but well worth it... except it has the battery that asus is exchanging (4400) I will try to call them today and hopefully it will be a easy fix. I have no reason to believe it won't be!!! THis battery only had a hour and a half with me just "playing on it". Mine has Linux system.. I have never had that system and don't know much about computers but I have had NO PROBLEM getting around.. I will let you all know about the battery replacement.
if you want Bluetooth real bad, there is a way to install your own... i think you can find a link to the details at but i'm not sure. anyway, there are spots left empty on the motherboard that can allow you to install a b-tooth adapter card and also you can solder in an extra usb port if you want to put a permanent flash drive in there.
Wait for the eeepc with the Intel Atom Processor out soon
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i've just installed Xp on my eepc900 all works fine exept the camera.
asus netherlands doesnt support this.
how much is it again? in peso
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