Hope this helps you all..
Some notes:
Taking the screen cover away can be tricky. That new hinge design is harder to open..
This panel is very thin. ( it has to be to fit ) Be extra careful! Use soft and thin double sided tape to secure it to the screen and to avoid metal contact.
It's gooooood!
UPDATE: there is a great follow up on installing touch and HDD, thanks HeartBeat!
Fido at eBay
Details, News and Links for Asus Eee PC 901
Thanx Jkk! We all love you! :)
where should i ground it?
wow beautiful, just finished watching the video, now we need a solderless kit video from jkk. LOL
Thanks for your hard work
btw i realize that under the keyboard, you said that there was a warranty seal, can you get the screw out without removing that seal?
also, we can stick the double sided tape to hold the controller anywhere on the board? there isn't a place that the tape would kill the circuit board right?
OMG, you are the man! I will definitely order one after my trip. I assume those data wires won't interfere with a zif HDD. Nice touch there with tape while soldering. Question, I know there are drivers for linux, but does it work for all versions, say xubuntu?
Thanks again JKK.
thanks for the 'how to' vid, im waiting for my touch kit in the post at the moment :)
warranty seal will brake ;)
yep, you can place it anywhere it fits..
all features ( like zif )will still work after this mod..
check drivers from that ebay link...
Does this will make the Webcam to stop working on EeePC 900?
Excellent Job... this is just what I have been waiting for... You are definitely one of the best when it comes to modding UMPCs!! :D
think.. think..
and do it!!
Thank JKK, I will definately study this. It's goooood.
/ PierreC
did you connect the touch controller in a internal USB-hub? or in some USB port which is now unavailable? I got where it was connected but I did not understand from where comes that USB connection.
Anyway.... THANKS for the good job.
Jkk,when you have some time please give us some additional info on soldering this touch panel on an eee 900. Do you think that the best way is soldering the wires the way fidodido shows in the photos of his touch screen on ebay?
Or maybe there is a more convenient way/place to solder the wires?
Thank you
This was what i needed, if i can fit a HDD, touchpanel and a Huawei E170 (http://www.huawei.com/mobileweb/en/products/view.do?id=940&pageId=null) that seems pretty small, inside the 901 it would be a really nice netbook ;)
I connected the controller to 2nd SSD PCI-E USB pins which are not used for anything.. so you don't need any hub. SSD will continue to work.
Check my post of 900 with touch to see how i think it's best to do on Eee 900:
Jkk, you are the man! Incredible!
i just checked your 900 post and i'm ok with the data cables and the ground cable but i can't figure out where the power wire(red cable in your photos) comes from.
If you can confirm to me what i see on this photo is ok,i think i'll be fine:
Thanx a lot,
dont use that power source. It is powered also when it's on stand by.
Use the one near the webcam connector:
jkk, i know the ground doesnt need to go into any specific spot.. but where did you ground your touch controller usb connection? thanks
I grounded it to USB ports foot..
Thank yuo Jkk.Now i think i'm ready to solder(fingers crossed :) )
Just waiting for my touch screen to arrive...
I realy would like to see an ACER ONE with touch.
Do you know if someone already did it? I still did not buy any of those but i'm bending to the acer one.
Comparing the screen from both Asus and Acer, the acer is much brighter then Asus which can make the touch better. Don't you think?
.... one more question about 901 ...
If a I understod right the usb conection for ZIF isn't used??? is it possible to use both SSD (4+12) and touch together?
Alois, using the USB connection of the mPCIe connector (like JKK did) still keeps your SSD functional. The ZIF is a different, smaller connector new in the 901; don't solder anything to that.
JKK, did the fido's panel affect the optical quality of the screen much? It looks like you didn't remove the original antiglare filter (now nonfunctional under a new plate) or anything else for that matter. Is the panel really so thin you don't need to remove anything, like the metal frame? Lastly, was the panel plastic or glass?
the video is no longer available :(
now it is available, sorry. i think the error was from my browser.
i like to know the answer for the antiglare question above.
jkk said its a glass panel - right at the beginning of the video
Haha..."Think think think...AND DO IT!". Awesome tutorial!
jkk, did fido supply the wires? or did u salvage them yourself?
if u got them yourself.. what gauge did u use for the usb? thanks..
i forgot to ask jkk, are there any other usb connections onboard that do not require using the webcam/external usb. In other words, any othe data + - scattered throughout the board? and perhaps a 5v?
yes, there are other usb sources, but i didn't test them yet. I'll check if i took good pics of them...
I uses wires from a standard usb cord..
I didn't remove anything from the screen, the panel is glass. It makes the screen a bit less visible and add a bit glare
one question, i my controller to panel wires are red, white, green, black.
which colors corresponds with Y-, X-, Y+, X+?
uuuh! Mine had different colors..
check my first picture if you can see how the wires connect to panel connector..
upper side facing you has the 45' corner.
.. you can test different combinations, it won't brake.
This looks to be the solderless hub. I'm going to wait to see if an entire kit comes out.
thank you jkk
At first you used XP to calibrate the controller and then near the end when its all put together you had vista running... whats happening there?
Nice mod yet again ;) I want a 900 or a 901, havn't really decided i prefere the old look.
JKK what is your preference the 900 touch or the 901 touch?
Jkk, how durable are these things? do i have to worry about it breaking? i am not worried about myself.. but i let alot of people play with my eee.. and they will love the touch screen.. what do ya think?
Jkk that's a really nice job you've done there. Is there a kit for the 1000H? Its a feature that I'd really like to have.
Let me know.
Thanks mate.
How is batterie life affected? I like the idea of the touch panel but I wouldn't sacrifice much batterie life.
it effects so little it's hard to even measure..
100mA max 70mA typical.. like a usb mouse
Hey JKK,
Ditto what Peter said, is there going to be a eee pc 1000H kit? Also would the installation process be very similar to the eee pc 901? Thanks
Ben, not meaning to answer for JKK, but most likely... People understand that these things are in high demand, so I'm sure someone out there will make one! Just wait a few months!
jkk, i have my touch screen installed on my 901 now.. working really nice.. i was just wondering how u made it so u can scroll like that? ur not even touching the side? thanks
if you go through the eeepc 900 post, u'll find that he's using a plug-in called Grab and Drag in Firefox. Hope that helps.
jkk, my screen becomes uncalibrated very frequently, how bout you? anything i should change? ty
can anyone help, I've soldered the controller into place, booted xp to test but noting is happening. xp doesn't come up saying it's found new hardware and I've even tried installing from the add hardware section in control panel.
is it possible I've got a bad controller?
Do you think that we will see UMPCs like the EEE with native touch screens in the next 12 months? It seems like there is a lot of demand for them. I have a 701 4G Surf with touch screen and love it.
word of warning. be very careful when putting the screws back into the screen cover. I cracked my TS. not sure how though.
Is there a calibration GUI that can be used in Ubuntu?
One more question, can the solderless hub mentioned above be used with this touchscreen? It would be worth an extra $50 if I didn't have to worry about frying something.
I wrote to fido-dido about the solderless touchscreen and he said it should be available from next week if not this one..
Can u pls make a vdo for asus eee pc 1000h with a solderless touch screen.
Thank you very much
Hi JKK/everyone,
I have just put the kit into my 900 20G and now when I turn it on I get past the first boot screen and then after the next screen displaying "starting system" it draws the screen black with the cursor in the top left hand corner. I am unable to get it to do anything else past this point. Does anyone have any ideas where I may have gone wrong? my conections are http://bp3.blogger.com/_ZKlSQm2j7TI/SH9lDvN4PHI/AAAAAAAAC7s/_9UR4s2C61E/s1600-h/2ee2.jpg
jkk, what is the maximum energy output of that +5v? does it go up to 500mah? i wanna plug something in there that uses 500mah, but i dont want to damage my system. thanks
have anybody use this one? http://cgi.ebay.com/8-9-inch-Touch-Screen-Panel-kit-Asus-EEEPC-900-901_W0QQitemZ280250488249QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item280250488249&_trkparms=72%3A552|39%3A1|66%3A2|65%3A12&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14.l1318
Is the quality is as same as Fido's?
Hi, I have diffrent color for the panel cable.
Does have someboy more information about the connecting? Thank you
Regarding different colored cables
have you experienced any accuracy loss of fido's touch screen?
i have installed mine on my eee 900 but i have to calibrate it often.
do you think it might bad soldering could cause this strange behavior of the touch screen??
no problems on mine...
are u using edge compesation? i remember that it used to mess stuff on my 701.. I'll test a bit later..
Thanks, i'll turn edge compensation off and try again
with edge compensation off it seems to work better but it still loses accuracy sometimes.I'm afraid i didn't solder it properly.i used Fido's wires for +5v ground and D+ D-. can i use the wires from a standard usb cable instead?
hold the phone did you install that without using sticky tape to hold the touchscreen in place or was that just for speed.
That is incredible! Now, can you add on screen virtual keyboard to it? In this way, you do not have to use the hard keyboard all the time for viewing web pages.
By the way, I also watched your Youtube review on Nokia N810. That is wonderful too. Do you think it is possible to replace the small 4.1 inch touch screen with a large one, say, 7 inch one. Of course, you will need a large housing for it. 4.1 inch screen is really not that great for a full scale web page. I have a Nokia N770. I am thinking to use it as the core of a larger home-make internet tablet.
Jkk, what drivers have you used fot the usb controller?watching carefully at your video,the settings window before you do the calibration doesn't look the same as mine.could you give me a link for the drivers?Thank you
I'm using these drivers/sw
Thanks one more time Jkk ;)
Are you having problems with the calibration over time?
I've bought the same kit from fido-dido (haven't installed yet, but I've read a couple of posts here and there, that the panel is loosing it's precision over time. Is this due to interference with the panels cables?
Is it possible to isolate the cables with say the stuff that's around tv/radio cables? Would that short anything?
I havent experienced that with any of my devices..
It might be a sw reason or that the film cadle is tightening the panel a bit. Film cable from the panel should be so that it doesn't tighten when you move thr lid.
anyone who's used these... are these touchscreens good enough for inking? such as in Microsoft onenote?? it it works with onenote i'd replace my laptop i use for school with this DIY tablet.. if i add the 8800mah battery that would be the perfect machine for school..
I'm shure this might sound silly, but is it possible to put tuchscreen on the eeepc screen without opening it?
I meen fix it on the front and powering it throw a USB connector ?
I know it will be ugly, but it would be quite more simple & riskless & an easy way to test the tuchscreen before realy go for installing it.
I am looking for any other possible USB points for connection of the touch screen as I seem to have damaged the D- connection on those very small connection points... where else can I get a usb connection..
I am using FIDO's screen
I have a touchscreen (for 900) and Hub for (700) (separated) from Fido. I wunder if I can connect these together and plug it in the camera port on the mainboard of my 901.
Or any other port, so I don't have to solder.
I know this might be a stupid question JKK, but I din't really get it from the video: do the webcam and all three usb-ports work after the touch screen install?
Thanks anyways, for this great video
There are no stupid questions, only stypid answers.
Yep, webcam and all ports and everything else will continue to work.
question. does anyone sell a modified eee pc with the touch screen for some extra cost for the hard work? Love it get it. People can make some extra cash...
I want some information about touchscreens for a EEEPC 900A.
I don't know if they are working with a 900A (is there enough space?).
I don'd know if the panels are "mirroring".
And I don't know which panel I should choose and where I should buy it (which controllers and panels are good?)
ishop-express: http://cgi.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=280257740436&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT&ih=018
fido-dido999: http://cgi.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=120293406868&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT&ih=002
There should be no problems withe the drivers and Linux Ubuntu MID.
I live in Germany an I can solder.
Tim ;)
I am re-posting this because no one seems to respond to my questions...
please someone take a minute to help me out..
I need ANOTHER d+ d- connection for the touch screen install points.. the one shown in the tutorial is not longer available on my mother board because I scorched it... any information on where else I can take a USB connection would be greatly appreciated..
Stefan, You coud use the pins on the 3G card place...
but you would need to solder the ( short ) the pins on the other side of the mobo first..
picture here:
Nobody asked this question, is there a top and back side for the touch panel? Or both side are ok?
not bad, we can supply this touch panel.
JKK thanks for your response... are those points in the picture the actual D+ D- connection points or do I need to solder them TOGETHER first.. I am sort of newbie at this so any details would be appreciated..
thanks again for getting back to me
yep, you need to solder lines together first to enable lines on the pcie pins
points are missing the fuse chip so if you dont have that you need to just solder lines together ( not all 4 together but 2 and 2 )
Hey jkk, you have been doing this only on asus computers, could you do it on the msi/medion computers ? I'm sure a lot of people would be interested !!!
Hallo JKK!
I bought a touch panel from fido. I am looking your video mindfully.
Have anyone tested how much energy this Touchpanel uses? Or how much percent of the accumulator get "lost" from the 901?
Tim :)
It uses some 100mwatts... same as mouses... so not enaugh to really notice.
Thanks! I found that information still here: http://www.actron.de/de/touch/touchcontroller_iframe.html
max. 100mA, typical 70mA, 50mV peak to peak max ripple
I am enthusiastic about the touchpanel. I am testing with WinXP. But I don't know how to use the right mousbutton. In need some newbie-help ;).
That was the account of my sister ;).
Auto Right Click:
The driver generates a mouse right click event automatically whenever the driver detects
the touchscreen was press and hold for a while if the checkbox checked.
hello jkk,
i am visiting your site every day..
thanks for your work
i want to know whether there will be a 10" mod for eee 1000 or not?
are there any sellers like fido, who sell 10" panels?
is it possible to implement 3g/umts in eee 1000
is there enough or maybe more space to do mods as in 901?
Hello JKK.
I started to solder the screen into my EEE901. I've two questions:
1. Do you think that this SMD-Part still works? : http://img2.abload.de/img/20080908_eeepc_5voltvuy.jpg
2. I can't see good enough how are Data+ and Data- soldered on your second image. And where to solder GND? Kan you paint here Data+, Data- and GND? : http://img2.abload.de/img/20080908_eeepc_data_wf8.jpg
I think between the pins at Data+ and Data - are two chip resistors. Correct?
You may use these pictures if you want.
Tim ;)
2. hard to tell.. testing is only way to tell..
2. here: www2.jkkmobile.com/eeepc901/usblines.jpg
I used GND from USB ports foot
Yep, resistors...
Okay, thanks JKK.
Are there resistors which I could damage?
How much temperature should have the soldering iron?
Tim ;)
Or are there other points (not so triclky to solder) for USB data+ and data-?
nope, they are all the same..
you could solder to usb port but then you would have one less..
Hey JKK,
can I use the USB ports of the camera? Are they bigger? Where are they? Or are there some other easier USB D+ and D- solderpoints (without the normal USB ports)?
Are all the extra USB points you use for upgrading are not used by the computer?
(Already connected to something)?
Thanks for your help.
Hi! since i bought my eee pc 901 i follow your web almost every day!
Now I have a problem with the touch screen. i bought one from fido-dido via ebay...i welds all wires correctly then i put the screen..it works not very well...i thought where the solders..but when i solder again some wires it stop working...and now de software for touchscreen dont detect de panel...can you help me? my email thekymera@gmail.com thank you!!
no answer?? :( anyone know if there's any fuse on the touch controler?? please help me.
I'm the same from the last post
How come the YouTube video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lt5ppKn05jg) isn't available in HiDef anymore ?
Do you use mouseimp pro for scrolling?
does it work well if rotate the screen?
(using short cut key of
ctrl + alt + 1 of 4 arrow keys
with intel GMA driver)
where did you buy magnetic display
I just installed fun and easy touch kit on eeepc 900a no solder eeti 4port hub/controller will not fit on top of mainboard. I put it over in the front under mainboard under atom sticker area...the mainboard camera port to controller connector wire is too short, so soldered connector onto camera connector(no camera in this model anyways) I calibrated it but it wont work right...the cursor is crazy! is it because of compiz? Software installed, found usb device, kensington bluetooth mini dongle is plugged into hub and is working(mounted it next to ethernet port with case mod )checked connections. is it possible to plug in screen ribbon upside down?
Just wondering if you have tried installing the touch panel on the Eee PC 1000H?
I was wondering if it is possible to get a multitouch screen like the one in the iphone. for the eee 1000H and with software support for the pinch and expand zoom in and out function
Hey ^^
I am having trouble making the touchscreen work properly. It is not very sensitive, so I tried turning it over and using it the other way, but the screen as all bulgy, and felt really uncomfortable...
Any ideas??
TY JKK...HALLO to everybody! I'd like to know if it is possible to fix a touch screen on a eeepc 901 GO. I wonder if there is enoght room inside the eeepc to put the controller of the touch sreen, because this version has the 3G modm already inside. I saw in the video, that Mr Jkk put that controller esactly in the room in with my eeepc9000 go has the 3g modem. May i fix it somwhere else???
TY to anyone will answer...
ps: same reuqest on topic about 3g mdem installation on eeepc 901...
seems like fidodido999 is no longer trading on ebay.
can anyone please point kme in their direction, or recommend another supplier for a 8.9" touch screen for my 901
Just installed the solderless touchkit. It works fine as long as I don't mount the cover of the screen. I guess the touch panel is too thick and the pressure from the cover is too high then. Has anybody an idea how to solve this? Thx Andreas
Could anyone throw me a link to one of those solderless kits (don't just tell me to "search on eBay", I want to know which one you recommend). All links I found so far seem to be outdated. Thanks :D
Is this possible with the eee pc 904ha??
hi JJK i am trying to install a TS and a M$ streets and trips GPS on my EeePc 1000. I would like to know first is it possible and second will i still be able to have normal functions? Like if i tap into the +5v power you mentioned on the 901 model will i burn it out with them two devices attached to it??
hello all
what is fido-dido website address?
I heard that fido doesn't sell these anymore.. i planed to get one from dealextreme.
one of their many models there.
An actual link 4 this panel?
I have a 901 eee pc. I finally got the touch screen working, actually it was working when I first put it in, I just didn't know that it doesn't sense skin, fingertips, man I'm pressing and pressing, and I found out stylus works perfect, finger nails work perfect. I installed the Hoda kit on ebay ---mydigitaldiscount.com,------ could have been packaged in more than a fedex envelope, but it's working great. Lots of headaches and probably 6 hours of working slow to avoid breaking things. I've pulled apart lots of ipods, this is much much harder, but the reward is great! So I recommend mydigitaldiscount for a 901 touchscreen, it is fine.
I'm the guy above, hoda 901 kit. I installed the screen with nothing between glass and lcd screen, I can't understand putting cushy double sided tape between them just in two places, and I don't have room, it bulges like everyone says, but I don't take my netbook anywhere, so it should be fine. Also I can feel it bend when I touch in the center, is this right???? Touch screen does not rest on lcd screen in middle, feels kinda neat pushing on it and it hitting the lcd screen, but probably I should do something about it? I also left out the 4 frame screws for the lcd screen, which I think is what hoda instructions say to do? To give is more room I guess. I left in original cam cable, wish I'd taken it out for more wiring room, it is a tight fit upper right of keyboard. I'm just glad it works, and it is a little slow with response, not bad, like .2 seconds. I don't know why you're supposed to unhook wifi cables, anyone know???? Do they carry current from the air :o, I dunno! I didn't have to take out ssd or take off bottom ram cover. It is cool, very cool. Screen looks a little darker, but is super fine overall and the buzz from getting it done feels so good. It is good. mydigitaldiscount ebay is where I got it like I said above. Like $87 total and fast 3 day shipping.
Hi jkk, thank you for your effort in making this video, it was very interesting. I have a question that I think alot of people are asking at the moment, where to get these panels from a good dealer with the right chip that doesnt overheat. Also I have seen many Panel-Sets that are connected to the webcam and this way disableing the webcam which is terrible. Your installation and panel-set seem to be the best I have seen, but I cant find any dealers. Where did you buy it?
Thanks in advance, and keep up the good work!
What would be the closest model to follow the ho-to for a 904 HA? since you dont have one specifically for one, and im half assuming this one would be the closest, since its the similar model but wider, but i dont want to take chances.
realy usefull man thanks a lot
could you post another video how to
touch screen kit SOLDERLESS for eee pc 900AH
but still keeping webcam
thaks a lot
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